立博中文版 Receives $100K Sapphire Award for Community Health Excellence 从 佛罗里达蓝色基金会
立博中文版 赢得了 2009蓝宝石奖 随着 $100,000 从 佛罗里达蓝色基金会 解决迈阿密-戴德县的健康差距问题.
以其 种植千座花园 合作营养倡议(现在称为立博中文版我们的时事通讯食物森林), 立博中文版是两个被选为最高荣誉的非营利组织之一, 当时, the sole Miami-Dade County recipient of the Sapphire statewide award that recognizes nonprofit organizations for demonstrating excellence in addressing health disparities within their communities.
立博中文版's seed-to-table schoolyard edible garden program was created in 2007 to counter the alarming rate of childhood obesity, 糖尿病, 以及由于迈阿密戴德高危青少年营养知识和饮食习惯不佳而导致的其他疾病. 学生的植物, 维护, 收获菜园, 在学年期间,将花园的课程与多学科课堂练习联系起来. 家长们参与种植和参加准备健康膳食的讲习班.
Positive data from 立博中文版我们的时事通讯食物森林 (FFS) participants (CNI at the time) showed an 80% increase in children who reported eating vegetables with lunch and that 88% of 父母 were preparing healthier foods. FFS已经扩展到51所迈阿密-戴德县公立立博中文版我们的时事通讯, 16 of which are Food Forests with edible landscapes that grow produce for use in cafeteria meals and to send home to 父母.
“这个项目是社区合作的典范, 让主要利益相关者——教育工作者参与进来, 父母, 学生, 厨师, 园丁, 社区健康倡导者, 等.这是为了教学生, 然后是家庭, 营养生活方式的重要性,委员会写道。.
“有了这个令人难以置信的确认,我们走在正确的轨道上, we are one step closer to ensuring that every school has an edible garden and every child has improved health and eating habits for a lifetime,琳达·莱赫特说, 立博中文版主席.
自1985年以来, 立博中文版已经为迈阿密戴德县的公立立博中文版我们的时事通讯筹集了5100多万美元. 我们设计, 形状, and implement initiatives that involve the private sector in improving our schools and bringing excellence to public education. 资助项目已超过4个,550个课堂项目通过个人资助, 提供10个以上,000台翻新电脑送给学生和家长, 并通过许多其他项目和倡议支持教师和学生.
佛罗里达蓝色基金会是独立的, 佛罗里达蓝(原佛罗里达蓝十字和蓝盾)的慈善附属机构. 佛罗里达蓝色基金会资助的项目是由社区运作的, nonprofit organizations in Florida that serve the health care needs of uninsured and underserved individuals.